Discussion Thread

Copied from old thread:

Does anyone get horribly depressed when they consider how unequal the world is? There are people in third world countries who don't even have access to basic education, water, healthcare etc. They have virtually no job opportunities, no opportunity for advancement

Even within richer countries, some people are born smarter than others. Some people are born horrifically disabled, which could prevent them from ever living a fulfilling life. Some people are born without 1 parent, or even both. Some people have no job opportunities, no chance of being anything except working class their entire life - and even that is a struggle.

You know how in movies, the protagonist will often scream 'why me?' after something horrible happens to him? Sometimes I wonder why we (most of this sub, but not all) were lucky enough to be born able, healthy, in countries where opportunity is abundant etc. It really gets me down sometimes.

I know there is no cosmic force or God that makes some people more fortunate than others, and that it's all purely chance, but that makes it even worse.

/r/neoliberal Thread