[Discussion] What are people most worried will happen in the S6 finale?

I will be seriously disappointing if Oliver doesn't end the season as the actual bad guy. Reasons below.

  • He's the mayor. He's the reason Rene didn't get to see his daughter back in S5. Oliver was funding protective services.

  • Dragon is ineffective.

  • He enjoys killing people, and should be considered a mass murderer. We all know it. Chase DIED for this.

  • It's the only way to keep the rest of the cast from looking like total fuckwits. It's a lot easier to excuse them repeatedly dragging down one character if they're reacting to a nagging suspicion that Ollie's doing something wrong.

Picture this: Oliver calls them all to the cave to address what's going on behind the scenes.

Grumpy Ollie: "You were all close, but the best prize goes to... Dinah ."

BANG "for realizing the corruption in the police department. Now, let's get to those runner ups..."

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