[Discussion] What would it take to get you to quit PoGo?

My playstyles are

  • Walking around catching and spinning

  • Cycling to a place then pulling out my phone for some egg/buddy distance and checking nearby for rares

  • Walking past a section of gyms looking for easy takeovers and working my way to more gold gym badges. By the way it's the opposite for me, I make 50 coins daily now instead of the 0-20 I used to make with the old system.

  • Going to a raid with people from my neighborhood

My goals are

  1. Fill the Pokédex

  2. Get as many gold medals as I can

  3. Collect neighborhood gold gym badges

  4. Collect high IVs preferably 100% of as many Pokémon as I can

  5. Try to have only one of each Pokémon in my inventory, with the exception of Shiny (unless the shiny is higher IV than the normal one, in which case I'll only keep the shiny)

What would it take for me to quit? A lot. It would take the app to not work at all on my phone anymore.. but then I'd probably just go buy a phone it does work on. (I use an iPhone 6 by the way, I crash all the time)

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread