Discussions, meaning, analysis of the Emerald Tablets (Doreal Translation)

I feel this might be the place where I can share something related to The Emerald Tablets.

Listening to the Emerald Tablets book and had an urge to look up the word ZIN-URU. I am not sure what I was supposed to do with it, but youtube was perfect in providing me with a kemetic mantra. Decided to stay still and listen to it with my eyes closed.

It was hard to concentrate in the first minutes, at some point the voice (lower/higher or more powerful) made my body feel as if it's moving, vibrating. As if someone is calling me and then calming me. (as if I was raising and lowering my body) Lights were passing and trying to come in the middle of my eyes (I had my eyes closed) until the lights remained bright gold and geometrical shapes (like a broken glass) formed from these 2 bright dots (I looked up and it's similar to Sri Yantra) until there was nothing and I have felt I am somewhere else. Don't know how to explain it, like a deja vu, but stranger, more powerful and blissful, yet not that familiar. Throughout these minutes only in some parts, I was hearing piano strokes, a song unfamiliar and yet just now I realised it's very similar to Erick Satie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c_RU2NcJ9c.

What are your experiences? I am quite new to this and quite agitated to share and find out more. This is my 1st time experiencing this state.

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