Disney announces $12.99 bundle for Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+

Every app, every product or service concept that finds success in the capitalist post internet world is based loosely on socialism. Fox news scares dumb people into thinking social is facism(ironic because it's Fox that's facist), when socialism is essentially the ultimate example of a scaled economy. Supply and demand matters because there's typically not enough supply or demand and its tricky to figure out and plan appropriately. Internet. Connected world. AI. Solves that problem and so you see start ups and apps and websites and chain restaurants that are able to use data, and pop out a really ideal solution. As data gets better and faster and ai in sync, eventually you nail down the best costing solution (Uber is $20 right now, 40 min later only 17 wow!). But, because the world is fucked, we have pedophiles like Epstein living large while Kentucky votes for Moscow Mitch again.

/r/television Thread Parent Link - theverge.com