Display Directory Path in PowerShell Win Form

It did thanks. I'm now trying to show the directory path of where the file is located on a separate textbox. For instance if the text file called test.txt for example was located on the C drive, the textbox would show "C:\test.txt" or something like that.

This is what I've got so far but text box (called $ScanDirBox) remains blank.


$ScanFileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')

Filter = 'Text Document (*.txt)|*.txt'}

$null = $ScanFileBrowser.ShowDialog()

$ScanFileBrowser = Get-Content $ScanFileBrowser.FileName

$ScanFileBrowser | Set-Content -Path C:\USMTScript\scanstatemachines.txt

$Scanstate_Textbox.Text = Get-Content -Path "C:\USMTScript\scanstatemachines.txt"

$Scan_Path = get-content $ScanFileBrowser

$ScanDirBox.Text = "$Scan_Path"



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