Disregarding pain, what's the worst feeling?

The feeling that your wife is cheating on you. Though she assures you she isn't. You want to believe her, because she's suffering from depression. But she's been staying with a friend for a couple weeks in a town two hours away from yours, ever since she opened up about the depression. Except, she's told you the friend she's staying with is gay. Then she comes home. Then a day later she tells you that she's going to head back down there to tell him to quit calling her at 1 AM and to pick up some stuff. Then she goes silent for a day or two, when she's there. Then she tells you she thinks you should maybe get a divorce. Then she tells you he isn't really gay and she might be in love with him. Then she comes home, tells you that it might just be the fact she's been in close proximity with him for a while and it's the depression that is making her feel that way. Then she tells you that yeah, you should work things out between the two of you. That would be nice. Then she speaks to him on the phone and you overhear him getting all shitty about her not having headed back that day, because he thought she was going back there to end it with you. Then you hear him being insistent that she tells him she loves him, but she won't because she knows you'll overhear. Then you go out for a really nice night together, and it's just like old times. Then you go out for the afternoon the next day, and it's still good. Then she tells you she loves you, just like old times. Then she goes back there. Then she stops talking to you for three days.

Basically that.

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