it's disrespectful to ask for a doctor's note, we aren't children. heck and even then children are allowed to be sick

I hadn’t had a sick day for the entire of Covid and I gave my 2 weeks notice and on my 3rd to last day I got a really bad sunburn the day before. Could hardly get out of bed. I called in apologized profusely and said I would be back the next day. They basically said don’t bother we already have your shifts covered for the rest of the week. I demanded that I be paid for them as I had not requested for them off and I was on the schedule (turned down other shifts) to be there. She told me to get a doctors note and would give them to me as sick days. This was mid Covid lockdown. I wasn’t about to risk going to a walk in clinic to potentially catch something worse for a doctors note saying I had a fucking sunburn. I told them to go fuck themselves and that I was contacting labour relations. Those days were on my last pay cheque.

/r/antiwork Thread