Is dissociation common after trauma? + vent

I see, thank you for elaborating! That's pretty much what's happening heh (reality can be hard), but idk how to describe the phrase during stress. I'd say I automatically mentally avoid it and "pretend" it's not happening, usually getting obsessed/occupied with other issues/plans, being unable to "disconnect" and pay attention to the reality = issues at hand, because I have them connected to the trauma. Basically after it's over I go back to rational mode being unable to comprehend why I "avoided" it and might be hit with emotions.

Idk if my experience would go as far as DID does but it imho does seem to be some form of dissociating - lots of spacing out during the day etc., sometimes my friends ask what I did whole day and I go, "I don't know, let me think... Seems like nothing really". Frankly not good, heh.

I can see how some mindfulness can help with the latter but idk about the former. Oh well, another journey begins I guess.

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