Distribution of players rounds 2 and 3 ...

Round 1 made everyone happy because hey, free legend to everyone. Round 2 was...well unfair, too much difference between the 2 teams Round 3 is more balanced, However luffy wins the same.(kinda happy cause im team luffy)

I may be wrong, but didnt luffy win all the events even on JP? even tought teams never got redistribuited there, so the team winning the first one dominated all of them obviously (and obviously I was team katakuri, it still hurts)

Luffy wins all the rounds on both sides. 3 times people got randomly matched and all of them turned out with Luffy winning.

Unpopular opinion: round 1 was fun, but if you can choose your team then it kills the fun of a team clash. Everyone picked team luffy. Good thing there was a ranking system so at least had fun competing with the team mates. In the end some even farmed on katakuri, so double rewards for those tiredless warriors.

/r/OnePieceTC Thread