Ditto Easter Egg Thread #2

recién me di cuenta que tengo un pikachu que tiene de mejor atributo tanto el ataque, defensa y estamina y al presionar "valorar" solo me explica eso. Ditto como sabemos en el juego tiene las stats iguales en ataque, defensa, ataque especial, defensa especial, etc.. quizas haya que hacer algo con un pokemon que tenga esa cualidad, las stats iguales. valoran el pikachu de esta forma -En su conjunto, tu Pikachu me ha llamado ciertamente la atención. -Veo que su mejor atributo es su salud -Que se corresponde igualmente con su ataque -que se corresponde igualmente con su defensa -sus características estan bastante bien -esto concluye mi análisis. Adiós.

quizas este equivocado en todo pero pense que podia servir de algo

I just realized that I have a pikachu having both the best attribute attack, defense and stamina and pressing "value" only tells me that. Ditto as we know in the game has the same stats on offense, defense, special attack, special defense, etc .. maybe you have to do something with a pokemon that has that quality, the same stats.

They value the pikachu in this way -In A whole, your Pikachu has certainly caught my attention. -I see that their best attribute is their health -Which also it corresponds to its attack -which also it corresponds to his defense -His features are pretty good -that concludes my analysis. Bye.

I maybe wrong in all this but I thought I could be of some use srry for my eng.

/r/pokemongo Thread