The Dive Discussion on TSM

Eh. Im not trying to flame Dardoch (im actually a huge fan as a jungle main)

But... theres a 2nd side of Dardoch and the carry pants people forget.

He can fuck plays up with the best of them with his risk taking and int kills away.

Theres also control junglers. Xmithie comes to mind.

Xmithie plays for the lower risk plays and just does it well. Its why hes in that top tier of NA junglers despite not being a carry.

But hes definitely had periods where he looked worse, and I constantly felt like it was heavily correlated to the play of his laners.

Just to use an example using the same exact players actually: 2017 Immortals.

Spring split with Dardoch, missed playoffs. Werent a major threat of a team.

They made 2 changes. Ssong to head coach, Dardoch traded for Xmithie straight up.

Both Junglers excelled in different environments to be fair (until Dardoch benched for Attitude)

But that roster that didnt even make playoffs with the Carry Dardoch. Made Finals the next split. They were the only team contesting TSM that split.

The only other change was Ssong, which I am sure helped I also think Xmithie's style of league of legends work better with the laners IMT had vs the laners CLG had. IMT had stronger solo laners

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