Diversity of Tactics

Look, I'm going to say something that no one on this sub wants to hear: no matter how hard you beat a racist, he's still going to be a racist. It's not like you're going to beat him up and he's all the sudden going to go "oh boy I love black people now! Jews are great!".

All you're going to achieve is scaring people into to not sharing their views anymore. It's still going to be there like it always has been. If you scare people into being something they're not, that's fascism. Are we not supposed to be fighting against fascism?

Believe me, I'm not a Nazi sympathizer, and I'm not making excuses for anyone. Racism is wrong. Nazism is wrong. I don't want to see literally senseless violence that is only going to harm the communist movement. The right-wingers already think we're a bunch of nutcases. How can you get people to join your side if they think you're deranged?

The best thing to do is take care of this democratically. How we do that, I don't know. Maybe give the Nazis their own state or something.

If you start a new Civil War and come out on top, the country you have just inherited is an absolute shambles, the economy is in the toilet, and half of the inhabitants hate you.

And the likelihood that we'd win that War is probably pretty slim considering that the right loves their second amendment.

For things to work well, you need support. Killing people will not get you support from anyone.

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Parent Link - pbs.twimg.com