The Division 2 Private Beta - Feedback, Bug Report

Please revert movement back to Div1; possible solution to ‘chicken dance’ discussed.

Having throughly played the beta my major issue is that the character movement and animation is too slow and clunky.

Its reminds me of Wildlands. It definitely has that look and feel.

If you play Division 1 and then Wildlands you would immediately say that the later feels slow/awkward.

Be honest. It really does.

I know people would say “I don’t want chicken dance back, the movement is fine as it is”.

There are ways to counter the chicken dance. You don’t have to change the whole movement so it just looks and feels like a clone of Wildlands. A possible solution would be to have some sort of ‘stamina bar’. What happens is that if you were to sprint then stop for 1 or 1.5 secs, and were then to do this 4 times in a row (so you are doing the sprint and stop constantly); your ability to sprint would go on a cool down of say 4 secs. You could have a bar or a number to show this cool down or have it hidden.

Another point is, say if the movement was the same as Division 1. Do you honestly think that someone would survive if he/she attempted to chicken dance. The time to kill is low. You cannot instantly medikit or drop a station. As soon as you stop dancing, you’ll get bursted down. In addition the guy will be dancing out in the open and you and your team will be behind cover. When he stops you will shoot him a few times and hide behind cover. He’s done for.

The gameplay has been slowed down with the changes made; armour kits, ttk, active skill usage etc. I agree it’s more tactical now. I like this change. (I was a hardcore gears of war player for years, so using cover is natural for me). The issue was chicken dancing along with instant medikits, support station and signature skills. Those are all gone.

Look how everyone is playing in pvp. Everyone is in cover and thinking before they move. You see what happens when they try to face tank. Instantly melted.

Another argument I’m seeing is “but it’s more realistic” and “try carrying a large backpack and see how you run/move in real life”. Really! You can carry 30 weapons, throw an item that creates a green aura that magically heals you and you want realism. It’s a game.

Wildlands is it’s own game and Division is its own. An important part of gameplay is how the character moves and feels. If the only issue is chicken dancing, well I don’t know what else to say.

You had it perfect in the Division 1. The movement and animation is great.

I love The Division have about 80 days played. I was looking forward to the sequel and was ready to buy the expensive editions so I could have everything in the game. (Statues, dlc stuff, the whole lot).

If anyone is reading this and has any other solutions to combat the chicken dance please feel free to add them.

This was the main reason why they changed the movement.

Please Massive it’s not too late.

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