Divorce lawyers of reddit, what are some of your most memorable cases?

Not a divorce case, but this year I had to go to court. I said in an ask reddit thread that my ex had shitty tattoos, referencing her reddit account from which she posted in a "show off your hideous tattoos" thread. She replied on that account, insulted me, and I responded by saying she was a lying, manipulative, violent cheater who bragged about her IQ but had no idea how often she was the stupidest person in the room.

So my ex decided to get me back by getting a restraining order on me, telling the judge I had sexually assaulted and threatened to rape her years ago, and citing the above reddit thread.

Now, my ex had included so many contradictory, superfluous details and lies in her allegations that I had all the evidence I needed to protect myself -- and possibly nail her for perjury -- just from our old text messages. For instance, she admitted that I'd been out of state for a year, that she hadn't noticed I was back for months until she saw me at a concert (where at I made no effort to contact her). She said I was a sex-crazed, paranoid mental health case who was convinced she cheated on me -- I have the texts when she told me she cheated on me. Sexual assault? She said we had an unplanned run-in at a club where I chased her all night playing "grab ass." (SHE PUT "GRAB ASS" IN QUOTES ON THE TYPED ALLEGATIONS. The judge was like "what?") I have the texts where she admits to Facebook stalking me to know I was there, and the week of sexts she sent after. "Rape threat"? Made up to rationalize the time she assaulted me with a u-lock -- the entire evenings events being narrated in journal entries published online and timestamped from years ago.

The best part is that we never even got to trial. At the first hearing, the judge went through her statements, saw through her bullshit, and gave her the thinly veiled warning of the odds stacked against her for the evidentiary hearing. She dismissed the restraining order 3 days prior to that court date. Saving herself from getting caught with perjury was the only smart thing she did.

TL;DR Ex-girlfriend fought with me for saying her tattoos were bad on her reddit account that bragged about how bad her tattoos are. I called her a lying, manipulative, violent cheater, and that though she'd boast of being intelligent, she was often the dumbest person in the room. She took me to court saying I sexually assaulted her, threatened to rape her, and was violating her privacy by shit talking her tattoos...even though she brags about them for the same reasons. And her lies about me in the court allegations were so bad that she pretty much demonstrated she was the dumbest person in the court room. And if she'd actually taken me to trial for being pissed that I "violated her privacy"? Well, guess whose nude sexting photos were going to get entered into public records? Glad I didn't marry her; the divorce would have been awful.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent