Divorce and Religion

Hi that's interesting. I started studying the Quran in Nov of 2001, and converted a few years later. Stbxw was a convert from lapsed Protestant-ism, and grew up heavily involved with the church.

She didn't place much emphasis on study and never developed a real Muslim community aside from flakey social relationships, while this is all I do. You can read through my posts for further background. On Islam and the failed marriage that won't end.

She did many things throughout the course of the divorce process that have shown that she was never really Muslim in the first place...

She knows a few things, and that is one reason why the divorce is being delayed. She is trying to wear me down by placing an ending perpetually beyond us.

Long story short- we have a kid who was born Muslim. Non Muslims can't raise Muslim children, so she is lying, posturing combatively and behaving obtusely to try and wear me down and take our kid.

I am pretty sure she is gay on top of lying about religion (lying for almost ten years) so she is definitely not raising our child.

She hired an Israeli to represent her in this case. She is very scared and confused, and is only harming our child.

I would grant her visitation, yet she along with her angst and nonsense is pushing me out of the picture, forcing me to chose to mess up my child or concede my parenting, and thus mess up my child (who I raised as a sahf).

As long as you aren't involving children, any crisis you want in life is your own. As long as you aren't involving children.

/r/Divorce Thread