Divorced men of reddit: what moment with your former wife made me think "Yup, I'm asking this girl to divorce me."?

Alt because reasons.

When I came home from a 2 week separation to find she had packed up the majority of the house except what she deemed to be "not hers" along with our 3 kids and move across the state, with no warning or signs. We had tried marriage counseling, church, talks with the pastor, she would be contrite to the point of grating on your nerves, truly the type to stab you in the gut and smile as she twists the knife. I even delivered our 3rd kid at home, but I was never good enough, smart enough, made enough money, never home enough, home too much, never enough for her.

She had another kid from another dude not long after we split, pretty crazy stuff. I pay hella child support and never see my kids, couldn't even afford a lawyer enough to see an actual judge, everything was sign here, fill out this form, etc. We had one mediation and she borderline embarrassed herself with her temper & attitude. To this day I'm not sure exactly what to say about any of it except that sometimes you have to stop fighting and get your life and humanity back.

/r/AskReddit Thread