Divorced people of reddit, what was the final straw?

My ex had severe sleep apnea. We had moved to a third floor apartment with a window you could open. It was a semi balcony that had a grate over it. Our youngest was only 3. I made him swear up and down that he would sit up instead of laying down and not fall asleep so I could take a shower. I was going to close the sliding door because I knew he would fall asleep anyway. He said to leave it open because it was hot and I decided I need to trust him. After making certain he knew to stay awake, because young kids are climbers, I left to take a quick shower. I was gone for maybe 10 minutes tops. I walk out and he's asleep, I see my oldest but not my youngest. I am calling her name, she had a habit of not answering. I am freaking out looking for her yelling at him. My stomach drops walking over to the window, I thought for sure I would see her dead on the concrete. Thankfully she was just being quiet in her bedroom and I had overlooked her.

That was the end for me. I could no longer handle never being able to trust him alone with his own kids so I could do simple things like shower or have a job. I hated his disability, I hated that I could not rely on him and I hated that he refused to do anything about it. Luckily he went back into the military, because I think he secretly wanted to go, and moved out of our lives.

I certainly developed some issues being married to him. I really didn't like myself for treating him like a child but he was just so impossible to live with. The constant falling asleep, forgetting, impulsive behavior, it was too much. He is at least happier now with a person who tells him what to do everyday. A highly structured environment like the military was always good for him. I don't like having that kind of authority over people.

/r/AskReddit Thread