DMG and Cosmo, please can we hear from the crucible team about it’s current state in an upcoming TWAB, particularly re: heavy ammo.

I said it when quick fang camping with* was a thing

I said it when colony was a scrubs answered prayer

And I’ll say it now in the wardcliff, sleeper, voices climate :

Competetive: 1 round per match spawn a crate to fight over

Quick Play: Two opposing crates every 3 minutes.

Heavy ammo in PvP should not bring about nerfs for weapons that are coveted in pvE.

Heavy ammo should not be a teams entire playbook nor be have the facility to be abused as such.

Heavy ammo should allow moments! Windows of opportunity to turn the match around for a losing team or drag away with your lead for a winning team.

It’s simple.

I just hope bungie would implement this far before they pick up their nerf hammer and go after all the heavy weapons that get abused in PvP.


A guy who likes both faces of the coin and sees a simple answer to keeping my PvP experience from effecting my pvE experience when this small echo chamber turns into a classic reddit shit storm

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread