[DMM]Is deadman ending?

Honestly, ignore the people telling you to ignore the dmm haters. I was like you. I was late to the party, saw dmm and thought "Whoa! This looks awesome!" So I started playing it and was having tons of fun. The thing is though, it takes a few weeks to actually understand what dmm really is. And it is really bad. I recently had to quit and it made me considerably sad but I honestly believe it isn't playable right now. What you will learn is no matter what you do, you are going to basically just get bullied. No one fights their own levels. They only pick fights they know they can win. The vast majority of players around are either new and haven't learned what dmm is yet or are veterans with max skills, max gear, and ancients. They will kill you any time they can, which is almost always. You will learn the only way you can actually have any shred of a chance is to spend 40 hours training in safe zones. Which spoilers, gets very boring and frustrating. You can't quest. You can't train skills outside of safe zones. Because within a few minutes, no matter if you are playing at 4am on the lowest pop realm and somewhere obscure, you will die. And it will set you back a dozen or more hours. Every time. You can't walk between cities. You can't leave safe zones at all. It isn't a chance more-so a fact. I tried everything I could. I tried joining a clan. I tried playing at odd hours at odd places. I always carried 10+ sharks, I grinded to LV65+ in almost exclusively safe zones and got my skills to top 5000 overall on the leaderboards. I grinded to have millions of gold in the deposit. I stayed incredibly close to safe zones. I always wore the best anti-magic armor I could to escape ancients. And you know what? I always died. Always. I would farm potatoes in catherby trying to level my farming and I would literally get destroyed instantly by a sudden 20+ clan of near max level pkers all using ancients, d bows, etc.. Despite being next to the bank and a decent level with many sharks I died nearly instantly. I tried crafting earth runes next to varrock, literally the safest place to train runecrafting in the game, again had plenty of sharks etc, still, someone would simply pull out their ancients and destroy me instantly. It just got ridiculous. You can't do anything. The game becomes a burden and you begin to see how much of it is just simply bullying. I would have tried to stay regardless perhaps but the community is among the most toxic I've ever encountered. I would ask for advice and be told to quit the game because it isn't for me because I didn't want to train 100+ hours at a time in safe zones only to be reset anyway. Please, take my advice, try to think critically about the game mode. Look at "pking" videos on dmm on YouTube. You'll see what I'm saying. Save yourself the wasted time.

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