DMT cured my anxiety, Xanax addiction, and more.

This is awesome to hear. I replaced all meds with occasional psychedelic use and it drastically changed my life for the better. I would try next to get off Zoloft next because imo that stuff is poison. The whole science of SSRI’s is that they make you less depressed by dumbing down your brain to make you docile. I know this because I have taken them all and have done the research. Glad you’re not on Prozac because that shit is straight up fluoride but from personal experience, I would highly recommend staying off all government medicine and exploring psychedelics more as well as studying Buddhism and Hinduism. I cured my depression by taking 200 mics of lsd once a month for 8 months(sometimes mixed with mushrooms). After smoking dmt, I’m less angry and more able to let things go. I don’t have it all complete and together but I’m loving so much better than I was before psyches.

Psychedelics didn’t necessarily cure me but they gave me the knowledge to understand how to cure myself. I seldom do them now and I’m still living well. They taught me it’s constant work. I meditate, study the knowledge, try to change myself for the better, etc.

Anyways, glad to hear the medicine helped you, I hope you continue to thrive on your journey!

/r/DMT Thread