DNA pioneer James Watson stripped of honours after 'reckless' race remarks - The laboratory Dr Watson once headed says his views on intelligence and race are "reprehensible" and "unsupported by science".

Unpopular opinion here, so prepare to downvote.

The guy unlocked one of the fundamental building blocks of life making the world a better place, but yet he's being crucified because he thinks something absurdly false and demonstrably wrong is true.

Yes, he's stupid and likely a horrible person, but nobody is a perfect saint, and everybody - including you, who believes themself to be a normal, rational person - will have some irrational, crazy, and absurd idea rattling around in your brain. But that doesn't make you a monster or a demon. It makes you a human.

What impact is he having today? He's not running for President. He's not actively performing research, he's an old retiree spouting nonsense like any old, grumpy grandpa with a soapbox would.

We can't expect everybody to be perfect and to conform to our ideals all the time. Everyone has faults, and we need to understand a person can be really good at something, while still possessing neuroses or bad habits that, while not commendable, do not relate to getting his/her job done and don't disqualify you from doing it.

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