DNC Chairperson Election Discussion Thread

I appreciate what you're trying to do in this thread. Tom Perez doesn't deserve to be looped with DWS. I voted Bernie primary, Hillary in the general, and wanted Ellison to be chair but I've also loved Tom Perez for a long time.

As a democratic who appreciated Obama's Presidential personality in the face of such tenacious Republican opposition, but thought his policies were too moderate (not that any progressive policies would've stood a chance) I thought Tom Perez got one progressive victory after another as Secretary of Labor.

I think Tom Perez and Keith Ellison share a similar vision of the future of the Democratic party centered around grassroots support of labor organizations and the working class.

My new hope is that Ellison and Perez lead the Democrats to a midterm victory in the House of Representatives and we see Ellison as House Majority Leader (or at least Whip).

Some of us have forgotten that the current Democratic platform is the most progressive it's ever been, but we can do nothing with that platform if we don't have significant control of local, state, and federal levels of government.

I really think Tom Perez and Keith Ellison will start to focus on building the type of movement necessary to carry waves of success up through the grassroots to the national level.

Also, let's get Paul Buttigieg into the Senate.

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