Doctor gave me a dx and absolutely nothing else, help?

I think that doctor is negligent. He seems to have blown you off completely. I’d recommend Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. She shows and talks about ways you can modify it. Also they have Fibro cream on Amazon. I can’t say I’ve seen much success with it but some others have. Lately I’ve been using lidocaine patches on my worst spots and that helps, they have ones at a prescription level that work better in my opinion but I haven’t had but a couple of those. The none prescription ones work well too. My insurance left my self refer so you may be able to. There are a lot of tricks of it that you can find on here that should help some. I agree with the whole you have to keep moving thing but it’s at whatever level you can and on flares that might be zero then. I can’t do running due to my knees either. He should have given you more information. I’m sorry you got brushed off essentially. Keep popping in here, this is a great group and I’ve learned tons. Best people to learn from are those with it. Best of luck!

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