Doctors, are there specialties/subspecialties you would advise AGAINST going into in the near future? Why/Why not?

To your third point, that's not really true. Most of the big AI labs working on medical applications have at least an MD collaborating. My sense is asking this question on CS/AI/ML boards tells you that we should have stopped training rads/path 10 years ago while asking it here tells you that it will never happen.

I think the most likely scenario for us (current med students) is the work a single rad/path doc + AI will dwarf what 10 docs can do (in volume and accuracy) within about 10-15 years. For reference, that's about how long ago the first iPhone came out. I don't think rad/path docs are going to disappear entirely, but the practice of their profession will change dramatically and we will need far fewer of them to do the work that is currently being done. There is still a shortage though, so I don't know if it will make a difference in employment numbers. That is where the real opportunity is -- imagine we can connect our highly trained specialist surpluses + AI to low-resource settings.

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