Doctors Diagnose The Injuries In Home Alone

I'm not a medical professional but I feel like they're going way overboard with the fall down the icy steps.

I'm not saying you wouldn't hurt yourself pretty bad but...he basically took a hard fall, and then just slid down 10 or 15 steps on his side. The first doctor says "you don't get up from a fall like that". I think that would depend how bad he hit his head on the initial fall. I could definitely see a broken arm or a couple broken ribs too from the initial fall.

I feel like bladder control problems, lacerated spleen, kidney injuries, etc. they mention are absolute worst case scenarios and not likely ones.

And then the last doctor who said "peeing and pooping in bags in a chronic care facility". That's incredibly extreme it seems to me, it really doesn't look anything like that bad of a fall but again I'm no doctor...

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