Doctors, nurses, and EMTs of reddit. What is your best "How the fuck are you not dead" moment?

I thought having doctors stapling my head shut while I was fully conscious and telling me I was fine and sent me home. Welp my moms friend who works at that Er saw my name and looked at my charts and told my mom to call an ambulance I was quickly in ICU in a coma with a TBI fractured skull, brain bleed, brain infection, fucked up my back for life too. I walked out a few days later. I thought that was shitty but after reading some of these I am never complaining again for real. Yo how could I see when I was in a coma though like my eyes were shut and I had a tube down my throat but it felt like I was just laying there super high looking at my heart monitor go crazy and my mom was bitching out nurses everything was fine though. I just wanna know if doctors or nurses have a name for that I literally didn’t believe I was in a coma for the longest time cause I remember shit clear as day

/r/AskReddit Thread