Doctors I trust more than Fauci

Well a lot of their ideals are taken from movies. It’s quite silly. That whole conspiracy thing with cannibal eating democrats getting executed, martial law, emergency broadcasting and whatever else is a good example - can seem as terrifying fantasy for one to hold, but it fully loses that the second you notice it reads like a movie plot. Then you can’t unsee it. Small people wanna be big, small people want explosions and blood. Small people wanna be like the heroes on TV. That’s all it is. Of course, that does not make its implications toothless, because they will kill to extend the possibility of that flashy movie scene with them in the centre, literally kill, literally just to make it last a couple more days. But that does not make its source any less pitiably pathetic. They just want their name on a silver screen with explosions in the back and tough voiceover. That’s all the action they are getting in life and the only way they can conceptualise being big. Because they are that small.

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