Does abstaining from masturbating mean you’re more likely to cum during sex? (Women)

It's common for both men and women to experience changes in their sexual response over time, including changes in the time it takes to reach orgasm. While excessive masturbation or porn use can contribute to delayed ejaculation or difficulty achieving orgasm in men, it's less clear how they affect women's sexual response.

However, it's possible that using toys or masturbating frequently may have an impact on your ability to orgasm during sex. This is because some people can become accustomed to the specific type and intensity of stimulation provided by toys or self-stimulation, making it harder to climax through other forms of stimulation.

If you're concerned about your difficulty reaching orgasm during sex, it may be helpful to experiment with cutting back on masturbation and toy use for a period of time to see if this makes a difference. It's also worth exploring other factors that may be contributing to the issue, such as stress, relationship issues, or medication side effects.

If you continue to have concerns, you may want to speak with a healthcare provider or a therapist who specializes in sexual health. They can help you identify any underlying issues and develop a plan to address them.

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