Why does this always involve women? Latest viral racism episode

A few weeks ago I got called a Karen for asking an asshole behind me at the grocery store to stay back since he refused to wear a mask. He was getting aggro to the checker when she asked him where his mask was and started to encroach on our personal space. I did it in the nicest way possible too, literally "hey if you're not going to wear one can you at least keep your distance?". He said "You need to mind your business, you don't want to make this a Karen thing, do you?" He was the only person in the store (Bay Area) without a mask on. I was 10000% in the right. Even the checker scolded him. But as soon as he said Karen I shut right up, paid and got out of there as fast as I could. At this point it's a threat. I was half expecting him to whip out his phone and film me. Then what?

/r/BlockedAndReported Thread Parent