Does America actually suck?

In America, if you are poor and get sick, you die. If you are poor and get accused of a crime, you go to prison. Corruption is literally legal. Education is the most expensive and jobs require the most credentials. Our combat veterans are treated like scum of the earth. Our most popular sport causes such severe head trauma that it’s sufferers kill themselves. We incarcerate people for smoking a plant, but don’t care if priests jizz in boys’ butts. Hookers are illegal so if you are ugly you must be celibate for life. If you are suffering in agony from an incurable disease, then you must writhe and suffer in agony instead of euthanasia because it’s more profitable to bill your insurance. Then they bill your family when they fail to save your life. Cops and wealthy people are literally allowed to break the law. This is just off the top of my head.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread