Does it anger you that wealthy people are prepping for collapse? Why or why not?

It only angers me in that they should instead be spending their money and influence on "fixing" what's causing our imminent collapse. But no, their main focus, as always, is on their own stock dividends and living their cushy lives.

The funny thing is, they have no clue what they're in for once collapse happens and they retreat to their fortresses. They seem oblivious to the fact that everything that defines them -- their social status, their vacations in exotic locations, their ability to buy whatever they want, the fact that they're constantly being served by others, and so on -- will be obliterated. And that will drive them mad in a matter of months.

Right now, these people would die if they don't get to buy the latest model Mercedes or the newest style of shoes or the best mansion on the best lot. They'll disintegrate if they can't golf at Pebble Beach or sit in the balcony at the Met or stroll insouciantly through the Louvre talking of Michaelangelo.

We in the hoi polloi may go down fast and dirty. But these rich fucks are all going to go slowly and completely insane before killing themselves in the most perfectly fitting ending to the human race.

/r/collapse Thread