Does AnTrans seem like a more “natural” occurrence with modern society than AnPrim? (Along with several questions for AnTrans)

While AnPrim seems more like something that depends on the destruction of society, a disaster.

The recurring emphasis on human instrumentality is precisely why I can't take most anarchists who call themselves "transhumanist" seriously. Contrary to popular belief, Primitivism and Transhumanism aren't mutually exclusive terms when we're already moving towards collapse, towards posthumanity (; as what can be described as "inhuman" is much more than a performative act or aesthetic decision. Anarcho-Transhumanism only ever feels obtainable because the bulk of its proponents happen to be sci-fi nerds who're neck deep in analytic philosophy; when in reality it merely comes across as a kind of Anarcho-Communism for the 21st Century, which is why its staunchest proponents have spent more time parading Star Wars as theory-fiction than y'know, actually fleshing out the idea itself.

/r/DebateAnarchism Thread