Does anyone do this?

I grew up with a tyrant of a father who was utterly incompetent at all aspects in life. He could be a comedy if it wasn't so sad.

He was brutal to my family but completely spineless when dealing with anyone else. Over the years, his friends stopped inviting us to socials with their families because if anything happened at all (someone's kid was upset, we "embarrassed" him by playing like normal kids, we ate at the BBQ, etc) he would beat the life out of me right then and there.

When I got into university, it didn't stop. So I told him to fuck off and put myself through university so that I could get away from an unproductive household. Unfortunately, I felt guilty and continued to maintain contact. Every time I visited for a weekend, it would literally just be hours of him criticizing me. At this point, I was starting to realize how incompetent he really was as I was starting to grow as an adult.

I would've been better off with regards to mental health if I just stuck with no contact. I'm 23 now, own a tech startup and make more than 99% of people my age. He still has nothing good to say.

Get out of a toxic family situation ASAP. The people around you should be contributing to your success every day. If they're intent on taking away from you, they simply don't have a place in your life. It might be scary but trust me, you don't need someone to hold financial support over you.

/r/internetparents Thread