Does anyone know about this? Cafe aroma owner calling the police on street artist????

You’re right too many people jump to conclusions before learning the whole story. If the person was causing a disturbance then the owner has every right to ask the person to leave or call the police.

I know one guy who goes inside businesses and draws pictures then asks the people for money. That’s something you can’t do and owners don’t want somebody asking for money disturbing their customers.

I’m tired of people immediately claiming someone is racist because they complain about a person from a different race or ethnicity doing something wrong. Guy doesn’t come into work for four days gets fired, boss was racist towards him. You’re blasting music and someone asks you to turn it down, racist

You get caught stealing and someone confronts you, their racist. You don’t meet the requirements for a job? Racism

Or you do something and it’s a micro aggression. If I’m in a elevator and move to the side because someone is getting in and I don’t want to be two inches away from them it’s a micro aggression, same as if I were to move my stuff to give someone more space near me.

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