Does anyone else look back at the novelty initial period of covid lockdown with fondness?

It was a strange feeling.

Very few people in my country wanted to do anything to reduce the spread of it, and all the while, I was working sanitation at a hospital, cleaning in a newly opened up covid emergency ward.

So it was these two extremes of dealing with limited supplies and very strict rules on one hand. And on the other, making my way to and from work among people who did not have a singular fuck to give about anything.

I'm just glad that I don't have to see as many corpses right now as I did back then, as many people who I had to be around whom I could not help in any way, whose condition I knew just enough about to assume that they were fucked, but not enough to know if they were getting better or worse. Who disappeared from one day to another and I couldn't know if they were dead or recovered.

It was an odd time.

/r/CasualConversation Thread