Does anyone else consider calling in strange clothing or weapons discarded on the side of the road? [request]

A good couple of years ago my husband and I lived adjoining a bird sanctuary park with a large pond in the centre. We'd never taken advantage of this very quiet, very wooded area, so one day we decided to go over and take a look. Beautiful spot, totally deserted, lots of beautiful weeping willows and such. They had a canoe on the shore for use by visitors, so we took it out onto this deep pond, and found a full set of men's clothes floating in the water.

My husband discounted it, I insisted on phoning the police as at night more unsavoury elements would gather there to do whatever one does in a deserted park at night. Police arrive, retrieve the clothes, and then give me a damn good lecture on wasting police resources and time. Was told I would be fined if I called them out again. I'd only called them the one time. Anyway, either some poor sod took all his clothes off and dumped them in the middle of a body of water, or something else happened. Police couldn't care less.

I felt a bit like those sad bits of clothing on the water to be honest. Deflated and sad. I was hardly expecting the 'C.S.I' response, but they just threw them back in the water and told me off but proper. Oh well. : (

/r/UnresolvedMysteries Thread