Does anyone else constantly (Daily) have a moment where you dnap out of your Routine/Autopilot/Natural mode and suddenly "realize" or otherwise note that "You exist" and "are a person" and all of a sudden everything is very manual and deliberate?


For me researching the third eye and perception, has made me more introspective. Lately often find myself being very upset with the nothingness I am doing. Between needing to find a job and not wanting to get stuck doing something I dont want to do, and trying to write and create music I find myself really subjectively looking at my own circumstance. Thoughts like I shouldn't be making music because of the affects it could have on others, but with a more self destruction vise.

Thinking about history, here on earth and all of the reactions throughout time and space of each atom, rock, planet, star. I just learned yesterday that water could be considered a lava, lava is defined as "molten rock" ice can be defined as rock, it is a hard structure of molecules after all.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread