Does anyone else experience fatigue-related nausea?

My last major relapse with CFS I had was when my gradfather died. Due to my extreme fatigue and inability to form cogent conversations I had to wait till someone else picked up the phone, even before I heard the news I was feeling weak and nauseous at the time, which followed by vomiting (very out of character in such a situation where I'm usually measured), which is not a CFS symptom I experience but relating to my social anxiety disorder where I start to panic from a subconscious trigger that my mind creates when I anticipate being alone, or forced to deal with an unknown social situation, that's a fairly recent development.

The pattern that is now evident between CFS, nausea and/or anxiety started around 2001 to 2004 where I remember escaping to the toilet or making up an excuse to leave the classroom as I felt the onset of feeling nauseous and vomiting during school. It would first feel as though I was simply tired, so I would rest my head on the table, then when I started to feel uneasy I new something wasn't right. This happened many times in the same manor, it happened so much that I am now hyper aware to when I am going to vomit or feel uneasy minutes before I do.

My advise on how to manage feeling nauseous and about to vomit is to become more aware of your surroundings, not making yourself paranoid, but cognisant as any adult should of whether you past or are near a bin/trash can, a kitchen or toilet for instance that you could quickly retreat to (it all gets processed by the subconscious). For example in England in the underground there are informational access points you can press a button to speak to an assistant, I naturally tend to always observe where these are despite never having to use them. Same when walking past public toilets, you might not need to go but maybe later in the day, saves you from having to waste time asking people.

Another factor to dealing with this problem is diet. Consuming organic vitamin C (not supplements or artificial orange juice) but from real oranges squeezed or whole, will help avoid you feeling weak. If you want to boost your immunity drink orange juice when you eat fish or anything else high in nutrients, as vitamin C has shown to increase bioavailability and absorption into the body, whereas most supplements do not and contain artificial additives (esp. in the American market rather than EU). I would always warn against trans-fats during your low periods, and instead eat complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Produce high in antioxidants are also beneficial such as green tea which helps repair the body, and a recent nutritional discovery is using curcumin with black pepper [see paper] which increases bioavailablity, both properties help remove inflammation.

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