Does anyone else have experience with a parent trying to keep you ugly?

This came to my mind when I read the post about an Nparent making you purposely look bad. For me ist was quite the opposite, an das I think this would be buried in the thread, I wanted to start my own and ask of any of you did have a similiar experience.

She thought if I looked bad, it would reflect on her. When I was little she bought only brand name clothing for me (which I despised cause I got bullied because of it, that's a whole other story that I could tell), till I got so fed up I wanted to only wear cheap stuff. I was ten at the time. My emo phase was hell for her lol

Most obsessed she was about weight. She was very good in competitive triathlon. Her weight, my father's weight (she made him drop 30 kg I the year they got together, from around 100 to 70) and my weight. She would constantly tell me to watch what I'm eating and do more sports, since handball twice a weak "wasn't enough". When I hit puberty, I gained some weight. Not much, I was a size 6. So she told me I was fat and needed to change that. Having mild body dysmorphia to this day.

I think one of the worst things was when she told me my dad would not pay for my college if I would not dress better. As I got mad at him and wanted to talk to him directly, she said he was not allowed to know that she told me. Turned out she made it up ...

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread