Does anyone else feel like the trigger warnings/content warnings are getting out of control?

Ok so if you don’t like or understand needing so many trigger warning topics, its automatic asshole without empathy, no matter your reasons. But if you’re 100% pro trigger warnings, then you get to insult and deride the latter while making claims about their character.

The dogma (yes, great movie) on all sides of everything anymore is terrifying.

Listen, I think trigger warnings are fine to some degree. I like to help people out, be kind and I think I have a degree or two of empathy.

But you gotta put warnings on college classes, videos, movies even work chats CFS for every topic—I can barely remember my name most days now I gotta remember to pre warn everyone in every setting if I might say something about food, animals, eating, exercise, smoking, doctors, etc etc and simply for the fact that those things aren’t on my radar or habit of thinking much of, I can’t remember it all even if I want to. It’s not coz I’m a cold heart sob.

At what point do people learn coping mechanisms because out in the world these things come up. I went through some rough things but I’m seriously glad I learned how to survive. Otherwise I’d never get out of bed and my mental health would be worse than it is now. I don’t mean tough it out like we did. I mean there aren’t warnings out in the world so what happens then. For sure I’ll be downvoted and told I’m an asshole, but how are all these warnings helpful to anyone in the long term. There’s been plenty written online pointing to more harm than good

/r/GenX Thread