Does anyone else feel like they're not living a life? I'm 19 and I have fuck all stories from my teenage years.

This is where I was my freshman year of college. Bear in mind I'm just some random guy on the internet who feels like talking, but here's some thoughts.

No one makes good decisions after midnight. Go to bed.

Unless you are working 2nd or 3rd shift or having a good time speaking with someone, odds are you don't really need to be up that late. The isolating environment that late nights create aren't good for making you feel like being sociable and tend to have a depressive effect on your mood. In my experience, people tend to make mistakes or work less effectively late at night (yes, there are exceptions; you're probably not it). Try going to bed around 11PM and wake up when you need to. Most people seriously underestimated how much not getting enough sleep effects them. You could be surprised

Volunteer or join a hobby club in your town

Soccer, softball, badminton, chess. They're fun games. If you liked them in high school see if there's a local league for adults and join it. Like politics? Campaign for a candidate you support.

No hobbies? Find one!

Reddit Resources:

/r/WritingPrompts You haven't got any stories to tell. Make some up.

/r/fishing Leave the house and explore the wilderness or just your city

/r/boardgames This does require other people, but if you're near a college town there may be a club for this

/r/DIY Make stuff

/r/blacksmithing Make stuff with fire

/r/hiking Get outside without dealing with fish

And a lot more can be found I'm sure. Here's wikipedia's giant list.

Get some exercise

This ties into how people don't get enough sleep usually. A lot of people find exercise helps clear their head, relieve stress, and generally improve their mood.

No people, no problem

Visit a state park

Go to a museum

Attend a concert by an artist you don't know that well

My general point here is stories happen when you're out doing things. There's a lot of options here with a lot of different levels of commitment. Stories happen when you go looking for them. Look for something else to entertain yourself outside of the internet, go do it, meet people doing it, and have fun.

Best of luck to you.

/r/self Thread