Does anyone else feel like we have a cult of psychology and 'communication' going on in the world today?

Nope. Im aspergers... and I've done therapy. But in my life the times when I made the most progress in learning or fixing something was when I attacked it straight on. I've overcome 4 learning disabilities to have a very successful career mostly by being very pro-active... diagnose the problem, calculate the odds of success for each path of attack on the problem, choose the path with the highest odds of success. Repeat. It doesn't always work... but it's given me a really good life. So it confuses me when I see people try to solve problems by avoiding them. Basically, if a problem actually is communication then therapy makes sense... but to do couples therapy no matter what the problem is, in my mind equates to trying to build a house with just a hammer. You need more than one tool. And I think that people go to therapy because it is an easy and prescribed solution. You make and appointment and you go - now you are doing something so you can emotionally have hope again. But to me, it just seems like much of the time, it's chasing a false hope instead of creating a real hope. Does that make sense?

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