Does anyone else have feelings that TRP will eventually fracture/implode or have a breakaway sub? Issues will be caused by the rapid influx of newbies redefining and diluting the subs ideology.

Does anyone else have a feeling that TRP will keep growing because their message holds some merit and provided a fix for many men? I do, because it saved my fucking life.

Anecdote time. (Which you will probably wave away because I'm pathetic enough to lie about it or something). Was sexless for about 2 years because I lost control of my eating and degenerated into a depressed pig. Gained 60 lbs.

Discovered TRP in January 2014. Started hitting the gym and applying the sidebar theories about respecting myself, saying no, holding frame, etc.

Today, I'm a 200lbs 6'1 gorilla who hits the gym 5 days a week. I was 260lbs when I started. I also made it official with a girl in December, we have sex at least once a day. Depending on the mood I put her in, we can have sex in the middle of the night, morning, after work, and evening. Sex life is extremely satisfied. Facefucking about 2 weeks into the relationship, anal on the first time she got her period with me (which wasn't that long of a wait).

You just begin talking to them differently, thinking twice about what you say and whether it comes from emotion instead of logic. Is it psychological manipulation? Maybe. But she seems very happy and keeps repeating that "You are the manliest BF I ever had. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Am I being an asshole by stroking my own cock like this? Perhaps, but you really need to hear these success stories before writing off the whole sub as racist misogynists who want to enslave women.

Do I spin plates behind her back or rape her? Hell fucking no. I can say I love her. But I do apply dreadgame once in a while to keep her too busy trying to keep me interested. Saying things like "I really don't mind if one day we aren't together anymore, I'm used to living on my own" will make her do the most degrading sexual acts on you.

BPers have a habit of taking TRP's message and turning into something which resembles "They rape women".

I don't know. But perhaps the sub is growing because more and more broken men find that the information helps their game.

Wouldn't it be something if 100% of TRP Field Reports were fake and it was a sub of over 100,000 people making shit up and writing fiction? I guess this is what BPers prefer to use as their default explanation for the successful growth of the sub. But guys with actual results just point and laugh as they fuck their plates/GFs. You should probably consider the possibility that TRP is onto something, and you're being naive by buying into a feminist narrative.

/r/TheBluePill Thread