Does anyone else think God might be a homosexual?

Assuming you're not trolling...

God is referred to as a male because the language comes out of highly patriarchal time and society. No one would have called God of the Jewish/Christian bibles (YHWH) a woman because a woman was an inferior being in every way. Not a super lot of languages a neutral-gender third-person personal pronoun. Chinese, however, does have "god-gender" third-person personal pronoun.

God = 神
Man/person = 人
Girl/woman = 女

The word "man" 人, when used as part of another word (as a left-side radical) is fashioned this way: 亻

女 can also be used as a radical, its appearance remains the same

Now, as for third-person personal pronouns,

He = 他 = 亻+ 也
She = 她 = 女 + 也
He (referring to God or gods) = 神 = 礻+ 也

In this way, when writing or speaking of (Jewish/Christian and maybe Muslim) God in Chinese, he doesn't have a male/female gender.

Anyway, it's not useful to think of God as a sexual being. It is useful to think of God in terms of gender, as he calls us our father, but not useful to think of him in terms of gender because there's no evidence or precedence or reason for us to think of him in that way. God is not attracted to people in a sexual way, and as far as we know, there is no sexual-type of attraction by God towards any other sort of being either. While there may be gender in God's heavenly creatures, and we may have gender in our perfected bodies after the resurrection, Jesus said that we will not be given to marriage. If we think what is the purpose of sexuality, what is the purpose of our desire for relationships - those reasons will be irrelevant then.

And anyway, even though the Bible gives some physical attributes to God sometimes, such as having a mighty arm, placing his hands over people, resting his feet on mountains, but those are 1) mostly poetic and 2) sometimes a literal, but only temporary manifestation. We don't say that God is physically in the form of fire or in the form of cloud, even though he appeared before Moses and the entire nation of Israel as pillars of fire and cloud for over 40 years.

/r/religion Thread