Does anyone else here lift pretty light?

If you're looking for more challenge, you can do quite a few things that don't require much equipment., bodyweight exercises, and yoga for strength can really help. Since the gyms where I live have been mostly closed for the past year, I got a some ankle weights, a 10kg kettlebell and some tension bands and I've been doing pretty well at home with just that by following online videos and tutorials. The main thing that I found that works for me is progressive overload. I'll start doing a video where someone is using heavy weights and I'll do it with no weights, just following along, when that gets easier I'll do it with some small weights or even objects from around the house like cans and stuff, when that gets easier progress to something heavier until I am finally able to do it with the kettlebell. They key has been to continue upping the difficulty for myself. I find that I feel best when I lift more and do less reps that when I lift less and do lots of reps. Anyway, at the end of the day whatever feels right for you is what's best.

/r/xxfitness Thread