Does anyone else here take Simple Living and Minimalism as set of guidelines than treating them as strict rules?

I found minimalism, subs and etc in 2012. In 2014 I started on simple living. In 2015 in nosurf.

I must admit, at first i took minimalist as a rule, "Decluttered" all my house and life. Then I started to read simple living stuff and noticed that reduce is not a must do to achieve a simple life. Since 2015 I reduced my internet consumption from 8 to 10 hours a day, to 8 to 10 a week!

So, my position now is that I don't need to be a minimalist to be happy, life can be simple with more than the minimalists advocate. Reading Walden and starting to studi epicureanism, cynicism, and mostly stoicism I started to develop different views about life.

I mean, have 50 objects and sleep on the ground is not really interesting TO ME. But maybe work to some people. I wold my smartphone and used only a dumbphone for 1 year. I returned last month with a complete different view about it, using really as a useful tool and not as in the past. I do the same with internet, after a drastic reduction on online time.

And during those years I improved other aspects of my life, friends (due to epicurism), social skills, I started to exercise 2 hours a day everyday, I started to read 1:30h everyday, reaching 5 books a month. In 2012 I used to read 10 books a Year, now I reach 60 easily. Started meditating. Starting and financial program in my life. Started to take the stoic week ideas everyday, as a journal to track my goals, set objectives and achieve mind resilience with stoicism.

Lots of things changed in my life, but I can't set someone as a full guideline. Those ideas are not religion. And even if you are religious, you start to be very boring if you are narrowed to one viewpoint.

So, research new ideas, and most off all read all the recommended books at least. Do not blindfollow the posts, the blog/news post. Seriously, reading Walden can be really enlightening, most of the blog posts take 2 sentences and the rest is viewpoints of the author. Read ourself the books and scientific articles, mix ideas, and take your own conclusions.

Any "strict rule" is dumb, as someone that does not have any idea how the world works. Pick good ideas, read more and more and build your ideas. Reddit won't give you answers. Find yours.

/r/simpleliving Thread