Does anyone else have this problem? I don't know if it's an Asperger's thing, or if it's just my problem.

I am getting therapy for the Asperger's. My psychologist is going to start teaching me social skills and things and working on some of the ASD related issues.

I don't have an "official" diagnosis. I've had an assessment done with my psychologist, and he said it's pretty clear that I have autism. But he is not able to give me an official diagnosis, he says I need to take it further and see a specialist, which isn't an option because I literally live in the middle of the desert in Australia in an isolated town. And he said there are some other hurdles as well, because for the official diagnosis, a parent or family member who was a part of your growing up is needed. All my family are either dead, or estranged. I speak to my mother, but she's a compulsive liar and she wouldn't be honest when they interview her. And I don't want her to know, because she was warned many times by teachers that I have signs of autism and she ignored it and abused them.

My problem is I need an OT. But in order to get stuff like an OT you need an official diagnosis, so I'm not sure what to do. The staff at the group home where I'm staying at the moment are looking into whether they can get me an OT.

I post on reddit, because I don't really have any IRL friends. I only have a few, but they all live in opposite ends of the country. I have a couple in my town, but I don't trust the ones I know well anymore due to some things they said to me. And the other few I've only known a little while. People on reddit are generally understanding. Heaps of people follow all of my posts and say they find my life interesting and like to see what I'm up to and find my drawings and shit insightful. I don't know why.

/r/aspergers Thread Parent