Does anyone else find it ridiculously awkward opening birthday or Christmas presents infront of people? I worry my face isnt showing enough gratitude

My mum got me a watch for Christmas a few years ago. She mentioned a few times how excited she was to give me my main present. She had never seen me wear a watch and I loved jewellery I guess she thought it was something I was missing. I smiled as much as I could after opening it but it must have not looked real enough because she sounded disappointed and asked "don't you like it?"

It was probably around 10 years ago but I still feel guilty to this day. At the time I felt like I'd ruined her Christmas and her big surprise for me. That in turn made me feel horrible all Christmas day.

Oh and my dad brought me a watch from his holiday last year. I feigned the same smile but it's unbelievably heavy. I have tiny wrists (if I wrap my other hand around one, I can almost touch my pinky with my thumb) and now every time I see either of them, I feel like I have to wear a watch and try so hard not to check the time on my phone.

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