Does anyone else find Socialist Consciousness overwhelming?

I've been Socialist for a long time and something I've struggled with through that time is having to deal with is looking at the entire world so cynically through the lens of a Socialist, it's like I'm stuck in a never-ending version of "They Live".


I often find I can't enjoy many movies anymore (or I always end up supporting the "bad guy")


I often find I can't enjoy many TV shows anymore.


I generally don't enjoy things like big markets anymore.


I honestly can't even step into Costco without anxiety setting in.

Yup. Any big box store or mall for that matter.

When I look after my niece, I notice how even at a young age her life is dominated by marketing and corporations. Disney have her heart, soul and mind.

Yup. Getting that next crop of consumer cattle ready for the meat grinder ie. Life in capitalism

I notice how sexism, racism and classism present and reinforce themselves through the every day actions and speech of people.

Yup. The status quo; too much mainstream media and propaganda

Don't even get me started on when I watch the news or mainstream politics.

Ah. And there it is.

Honestly it's just so tiring, being unable to just flick an off switch and enjoy things without analyzing everything often just wares me down.


Anyone else affected by this? How do you deal with it?

I try to engage with friends; they often think and talk about extremely menial things...(Yeah, sounds kinda dickish, but it's true...) They help keep my mind off of basically everything you've mentioned above. And in this, I've also found that listening to other peoples problems, and helping them, helps me in process.

That and I do drugs. Molly and Cid are good folk. They are good company now and again... Don't want to hang with them too too often, but yeah. Good folk.

/r/socialism Thread